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  • What is Vinyasa Yoga?
    Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. Vinyasa classes offer a variety of postures and no two classes are ever alike. The opposite would be “fixed forms” such as Bikram Yoga, which features the same 26 postures in every class and 2 breathing exercises, or Ashtanga which has the same sequence every time. The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps to develop a more balanced body as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries that can happen if you are always doing the same thing every day. As a philosophy, Vinyasa recognizes the temporary nature of things. We enter into a posture, are there for a while and then leave. While Vinyasa, or Vinyasa-Krama, dates back to the Vedic age—the earliest period of yoga thousands of years ago—it referred to a series, or sequence of steps, to make something sacred. The movement practice of Vinyasa is said to begin with T Krishnamacharya who has had the largest influence on how yoga, in general, is practiced today.
  • What is Bikram Yoga?
    A series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises practised in a heated room, ideally 40℃ and 40% humidity classes lasting 90minutes. Each posture stretches, strengthens and prepares specific muscles, ligaments and joints needed for the next posture. A regular practice of this series can result in the healing and repair of injuries and illnesses, weight loss, and peace of mind. Bones are strengthened, joints are opened and lubricated, muscles are strengthened, toned and made more flexible. By the end of a class, you will have worked every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, internal organ, and gland while systematically moving fresh, oxygenated blood to 100% of the body resulting in restoration of health to all systems. As you increase strength, flexibility and balance in your body, you will be energised, you will revitalize your mind, and you will be working on eliminating conditions of stress produced by fast-paced lifestyles.
  • I'm a first-time student, what do I need to know?
    Every class is beginner friendly, you advance at your own pace. It doesn't matter if you are not flexible! It matters that you practise safely at your own pace to get 100% benefits. Class duration is either 60 or 90 minutes. Check timetable before booking. Arrive 15 minutes early to prepare if possible. Eat lightly no earlier than 2 hours before class. We recommend something light if you are still hungry close to class time. Water, water and more water! Drink plenty of water before the class. Hydration is key & avoid too much caffeine. Bring a large bottle of water with you. You can refill it here. Bring a large towel (bath size) for your class. Bring a yoga mat. Changing area and shower facilities are available at our studio. Turn off your phone and tune into your mind & body.
  • What if I am not flexible?
    This is the most common misconception that prevents people from coming to a yoga class. But yoga is not about how flexible you are, it is about stretching your body and spine in all directions. All that matters is that you try the right way, go to your personal "edge" and you will get 100% of the benefit. If you can move, you are flexible! If you don't think you 'are flexible enough', you should definitely start doing yoga as soon as you can. The specially heated environment warms and softens your muscles so you can get more out of the yoga right from the first class - and doing yoga increases your flexibility over time. When you have improved flexibility then you are less prone to soft-tissue injuries, which can be common in people who don't exercise. It does not matter what someone else can do compared to you, all you have to do is do what you can, be patient and mindful of your body, and just within a few classes you will notice a change in your body you have never seen before.
  • Why the heat?
    Muscles, fascia and connective tissue become elastic allowing for greater flexibility with less chance of injury. The heat promotes sweating, which assists the detoxification process using the body's largest eliminating organ, the skin. Blood becomes thinner, which clears the circulatory system. When the body is between three and five degrees above normal temperature, T cell output from the thymus gland is multiplied 20 fold. T cells fight infection, which in turn keeps the immune system functioning properly. Warmer temperatures produce a fluid like stretch that allows for greater range of motion in the joints. Warm muscles burn fat more effectively. Your heart rate becomes elevated which improves the cardiovascular system (heart and lungs). When we stretch, the fat has no room to sit so it redistributes to the blood stream, which we then use as energy. Capillaries respond to heat by dilating. This allows oxygen to muscles, tissues, glands and organs helping the removal of waste products. Higher temperatures: Improve the function of the nervous system, meaning that messages are carried more rapidly to and from the brain or spinal cord (you think more clearly). Allow oxygen in the blood to detach from the haemoglobin more easily. When blood passes through warm muscles, oxygen releases more easily from the haemoglobin. Blood passing through cold muscles releases less oxygen. Improves strength because proteins can be utilised more effectively. Speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids. Provides strengthening of willpower, self-control, focus and determination.
  • I feel nauseous and dizzy during my first class, is this normal?
    It is not unusual to feel slightly nauseous or dizzy during your first HOT class. Practicing yoga in a heated room reveals to us our present condition, and inspires us take much better care of ourselves. Usually the problem is that we do not drink enough water for daily living, let alone for exercising in a heated room. Nutritionists tell us that we need 2 litres of water a day to help the body function properly. In the heated yoga room, your body needs adequate amount of water to allow perspiration to release heat from the body as you practice. So we estimate you need another 1 litre (sometime during the day) to allow for your 90 minutes in the room. Once you are drinking enough water your body will tolerate the heat better and you will actually enjoy the heat. If you feel like you need a good nap after your first few classes, this is likely because your body has begun to cleanse itself as a result of the yoga practice. Don't be scared. After the first few classes this sensation will pass. The more you can relax as you give your 100% honest effort during class, the more energized you will feel throughout the class and throughout the rest of your day.
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